Maps inventory

Below is a list of all maps currently published on

In the table below, the map name links to the map on The ID can be used to identify the map in the various resources described in this documentation, such as in the maps and data APIs. The category describes the climate condition or trend that relates to the map.

To see this list in a spreadsheet with additional metadata such as map units, tileset IDs, climate model information, and technical descriptions, please see the Probable Futures Public Dataset Inventory.

Map nameIDCategory
Days above 32°C (90°F)40104Increasing heat
Days above 35°C (95°F)40105Increasing heat
Days above 38°C (100°F)40106Increasing heat
Days above 45°C (113°F)40107Increasing heat
Average temperature40101Increasing heat
Average daytime temperature40102Increasing heat
10 hottest days40103Increasing heat
Freezing days40205Decreasing cold
Frost nights40202Decreasing cold
Nights above 20°C (68°F)40203Decreasing cold
Nights above 25°C (77°F)40204Decreasing cold
Average nighttime temperature40201Decreasing cold
Average winter temperature40207Decreasing cold
10 hottest nights40206Decreasing cold
Days above 26°C (78°F) wet-bulb40301Heat and humidity
Days above 28°C (82°F) wet-bulb40302Heat and humidity
Days above 30°C (86°F) wet-bulb40303Heat and humidity
Days above 32°C (90°F) wet-bulb40304Heat and humidity
10 hottest wet-bulb days40305Heat and humidity
Change in total annual precipitation40601Precipitation
Change in snowy days40614Precipitation
Change in dry hot days40607Precipitation
Change in wettest 90 days40616Precipitation
Change in frequency of “1-in-100 year” storm40612Precipitation
Change in precipitation of “1-in-100 year” storm40613Precipitation
Change in water balance40703Dryness
Likelihood of year-plus drought40702Dryness
Likelihood of year-plus extreme drought40701Dryness
Change in wildfire danger days40704Dryness
Climate zones40901Other

Map versions

The Probable Futures mission includes making climate risk information available as a public resource. In keeping with this mission, we periodically update the underlying data in our map tilesets.

When we make updates, we publish a short summary of the update on the map version history page of the Probable Futures website.

Identifying the version of a map

On the public platform maps, you can always find the version number at the bottom left corner of the map. It will appear in small text such as “Probable Futures map v3” which links to the map version history page mentioned above.

In Probable Futures tilesets, you can always find the version number in the tileset ID. For example, the tileset ID for the tileset that is the eastern portion of the Days above 32°C (90°F) map is probablefutures.40104-east-v3, so it is one half of a version three map (and the other half is the west tileset, called probablefutures.40104-west-v3). Learn more about tilesets.

Use the latest

It is always best to use the latest tilesets. If you have an application, please consider checking for updates at least once a year.

All Probable Futures resources, maps, and data are licensed Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Learn more.